Our Thoughts

How To Survive The World Financial Crisis

As I struggled in finding the right topic to post about for weeks, and have asked God to tell me what to discuss, I have found that God has ordered my steps (once again).

It’s interesting that one of my buddies called me and didn’t sound like his usual self. After several minutes, he opened up and was just overwhelmed from the stresses of life. I immediately asked him if he had been spending time with God, with The Word lately. But before I allowed him to answer, I shared with him how for weeks I wasn’t spending time reading the Word. After going months of reading a particular bible almost everyday, and feeling spiritually full and content, I got away from reading the Bible. And for a while I was fine emotionally, spiritually. But overtime, my flesh took over. And slowly, things that I was sure about, decisions that I made with “certainty”, I started to doubt. I started walking in FEAR instead of walking by FAITH.
It was a humbling experience, to remind me that no matter how full of faith I think I am, I’m never to the point where I can take the chance of stop reading God’s Word.
The weeks I took a vacation from reading the Word of God, took a toll on me. There are certain goals I set out to accomplish and was making great strides in reaching those goals. But I noticed during the weeks of not reading and therefore “hearing” God’s Word, I became stagnant. I couldn’t make any headway on a particular goal due to fear and a feeling of my life not being in balance. I tried to reach a balance by going to movies and doing things that I hadn’t done in a while. That would “fix” me for a day or two. But something still was not right. I still was not moving forward with my goal because of this growing feeling of fear (fear of finances, fear of things not being just right…). And one day, it’s like something just clicked. I apologized to God for being slothful in reading His Word. So not only did I start back reading the Word, but I also made a point to hear the Word from one of my favorite pastors (Bill Winston). I made sure I downloaded Bill Winston’s latest podcast to my iphone and begin to listen to his teachings on my way to work and on my way back home from work. I ony wanted to hear and read the Word of God.

Immediately after going back to what has gotten me through a divorce, bouts of unemployment, being a single Mom and the stresses of life, fear went away! Hallelujah! I was revived and had direction about my goals, and began to act and operate in FAITH again, not fear. You see, when we act in FAITH, that’s when things get accompished, that’s when we move forward towards our destiny. We can not operate in fear!

So I shared that with my good friend. And he admitted he too had not spent time reading God’s Word in quite a while.

So I shared with him a special bible that I have been reading for YEARS! It is truy anointed and now (more than ever) so relevant for these times when people are loosing their jobs, companies are not hiring, people are having to work for less money while the bills are steady going up. We are facing financial battles on a GLOBAL level. If we operate in the natural, it is very hard not to worry, not to fear, not to stress, and not to be overwhelmed.

But as someone who has been through many storms, and as someone who knows many storms will come, you can go through the storms successfully. In the end, you and your loved ones will be blessed, you will be wiser and ultimately, you can experience all the promises of God The Father.

God has given us Morris Cerullo who has orchestrated a special kind of bible to help us believers through the storm. Morris Cerullo has a complete bible where he gives you specific scripture to read (along with his God lead commentary) in a specific order to help and empower you to face and overcome two main areas of warfare (spiritual and financial).

I know I am to share this information with you because not ony did I start reading this particular bible again just this week, but I was led to share information about the bible with my friend. And the very next day (with God there is no such thing as coincidence), I was flipping through channels and saw Morris Cerullo on a Christian network who did a 30 minute segment on the very bible I started reading and shared with my friend. See, that’s how God does things. He will present something to you, and that same scripture, topic, or tool will be mentioned or seen or shared very soon after it is presented to you. It’s a confirmation from God.

So it’s only appropriate (since I have this blog and was asking God for a while what did He want me to talk about) to share the information about the bible and how you can get it. Trust me, in these times, you NEED this bible. By the way, I don’t get one penny for sharing this. It’s just that this bible is truly a blessing and what God’s people need in times like this. So here is the information:

The name of the Bible is Morris Cerullo’s “Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible”. You can get more information about it at
www.financialbible.tv or you can call 1-866-756-4200

Don’t look at things in the natural, you have got to use faith by hearing the Word of God. When you read this bible, fear will go away, doubt will go away, and you will have a peace that surpasses understanding (especially during these times). Why is this important?

Once you begin to have peace, you will get rid of the clutter in your mind and begin to win the Battle of Your Mind that Satan is after. Once you begin to have that peace and begin to win the Battle for your mind, God has room to speak to your spirit and give you ideas to lift you out of your circumstances. When you have peace of mind, your creativity has the freedom to blossom. You will begin to hear from God who will give you certain solutions to the problems that you see. You will begin to get in touch with your passion and then find ways that your passion can bless the kingdom. You will have the positive attitude that will attract the right people in your life to help you manifest the dreams that God now is able to speak to your spirit. You see it’s so important for you to have peace so that you can hear clearly and loudly God’s plan for you life (which of course is for you to prosper). But to achieve that peace, you must be a believer of Jesus and you must spend time reading the Word of God!

It’s quite amazing what God’s Word can do in your life. If only we would remember that and be consistent at it.
You see faith comes by hearing the Word of God. To hear the Word of God, we must read it (DAILY). When we read the Word of God we get revelation. With faith and revelation of God’s Word, we get manifestation!! Amen!!! All glory goes to God! Thank you Jesus for what you have done for all of us. Thank you Father God for your majestic, perfect pan and your forgiveness and love that endures forever! Thank you Jesus, our savior, our Lord, for carrying out God’s plan to defeat Satan so we could (as believers) be spared!

Saints do not be dismayed by the turmoil of the world. Do not see things in the natural. You must feed your spirit by spending time with the Word of God so you see things in the supernatural. Give your worries to the Lord. Jesus has already paid the price.
You were not sent here to be defeated. You were sent here for a purpose. The way to discover and manifest your destiny is to spend time with God and His Word. I can’t say it enough.

So stop and invest in yourself, your spirit. Spend a few dollars to get this very relevant bible. Again, I don’t get one cent from any revenue made from the purchase of the bible. I’m just sharing with you what God wants me to share. You need to get this bible TODAY!!!

Morris Cerullo “Financial Breakthrough Spiritual Warfare Bible” www.financialbible.tv or
Call 1-866-756-4200

Last thing, if you are not saved, you must become saved! You are running out of time my friend. To get saved click here. For frequenty asked questions about salvation, click here.

Walking in Love,

Tayarisha Joyce

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